Selected Loginetics
Wylie Dam and Tailwater, 2002
Provided Phase 2 tailwater model
incorporating new survey geometry; calibrated hydrodynamics to 2002 field data;
provided training and model transfer to Duke Energy staff. Provided Phase 1 tailwater model development
using existing information.
Bull Shoals and Norfork Dam and
Tailwaters, 2002
modeling strategy to help evaluate tradeoffs between using minimum flow
allocation for temperature control versus increasing physical habitat.
Saluda Dam and Tailwater, 2002
Provided preliminary bioenergetics modeling
results to help evaluate effects of dam release temperature and DO on
downstream fishery. Calibrating
reservoir and tailwater and bioenergetics models for development of a
site-specific dissolved oxygen standard.
Ogallala Reservoir, 2002
Reviewed two-dimensional modeling of Ogallala
Reservoir using CE-QUAL-W2 and WASP
Alabama Power Dam, 2002
Provided preliminary design of tailrace weir
and CE-QUAL-W2 modeling of reservoir for preliminary design of oxygen injection
system to aerate leakage discharge from hydropower dam.
Wallenpaupack Dam and Tailwater,
Provided model interface for tailwater model
to evaluate operational fixes for effects of the hydrostation on Lackawaxen
River temperatures.
Graphical User Interfaces for
Public Domain Models, 1995-Present
Authored W2i pre-processor for CE-QUAL-W2 v3.
Directed development of Animation and Graphics Portfolio Manager (AGPM)
post-processor for 2D reservoir water quality models (CE-QUAL-W2, BETTER) and
1D river water quality model (TVA River Modeling System). Authored various interfaces and
pre-processors to streamline input-building for these models. Developed custom AGPM for US Bureau of
Reclamation, USACE Louisville District, and USACE Nashville District’s DORM-II
model. Adapted AGPM for CE-QUAL-W2 and
provided AGPM training for Duke Power Company.
Mohale Reservoir, Lesotho
Highlands Water Project; South Africa, 1995-1996
Modeled proposed Mohale Reservoir to predict
post-filling water quality; recommended design and operation of off-take
River Modeling System, 2002
Continuous improvement and maintenance of River Modeling System source
codes, including version 4 hydrodynamics (ADYN), water quality (RQUAL),
physical habitat (RHAB), and fish bioenergetics (FISH).
Madison River Thermal
Modeling Assessment, 1994
hydrothermal models for Madison River and Ennis Reservoir in Montana; advised modelers in use of
TVA models.
Le Petit Saux Dam Aerating
Weir, French Guiana, 1994
Advised Electricité de France
scientists on weir designs to relieve dissolved gases in hydropower releases.
Deep Creek Dam Aerating
Weir, 1993
hydraulic and aeration designs for weirs to achieve FERC dissolved oxygen
Kafue River Water Supply
Project, City of Lusaka, Zambia, 1993
Modeled intake water quality issues on a
water supply expansion.